Why Pastoral Well-Being?

Why Do I Need This?

Pastoral ministry is a multifaceted vocational calling that involves numerous functions apart from pastoral care such as church planter, teacher, evangelist, disciple making, team builder, mentorship, operations, human resources, fund raising, and project manager to name but a few. With so many “hats” that a pastor wears, it is impossible to be great at everything without feeling overwhelmed and at times woefully underprepared.

  • 23 % of pastors indicated that they had struggled with some type of mental illness on a personal level, including 12% who said they had been formally diagnosed.
  • 38-42% of pastors are thinking of leaving the ministry. Of that average, almost half (46%) are under 45 years of age.
  • 80% believe that the pastoral ministry has negatively affected their families.
  • 70% of pastors report that they now have a lower self-image than when they started.

A healthy church can only be fostered and nurtured consistently and effectively by healthy ministers

The emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of our clergy should be a priority for every church seeking to make inroads in their local communities. A healthy church can only be fostered and nurtured consistently and effectively by healthy ministers who are well rested, increasingly resilient, and diligently responsive. Pastor burnout and security is a growing trend among different denominations as reported in a recent Barna’s Pastor’s Initiative report published March 15, 2023.

There is much work that needs to be done for the Kingdom of God, and encouraging our pastors and church leaders to remain in the good fight is a priority of heaven (Proverbs 16:23; Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 13:17).